The concept is simple – I've compiled a short list of gifts based on two things...
I have it and can give you an honest review,
I want it, for a very good reason.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1. Roku Master
Seriously, folks. This item has been the biggest star of our home this year! Instead of paying more for cable channels, we have opted for this handy dandy device that streams Netflix to our television. We pay a low low price for streaming Instant Play, giving us access to oodles of documentaries, foreign and independent films, children's shows, Discovery Channel series, etc. It's like having our own public television library to fulfill our nerdly needs. "Regular TV" has lost its luster in our eyes so the Roku has my pick for #1 gift idea. (By the way, there are other devices out there that do the same thing. We just happen to have the one that was specifically designed to stream Netflix and Hulu Plus).
2. Everyday Minerals Make-up

This make-up has been the greatest thing for my skin. It doesn't take long to put it on and never feels heavy. LOVE LOVE LOVE this make-up. They have plenty of promos for free sample sizes with a purchase, plus they're always offering a great deal on a new color of blush, eye shadow or bronzer. Get a gift set for that special girl in your life and she can try it out. I guarantee you won't be disappointed in the prices.
3. Williams Sonoma Silicone Utensils
I received my first WS spoonula about 5 or 6 years ago from my mom-in-law. GREATEST. SPOONULA. EVER. I am just now seeing signs of rough wear and tear so I've asked for more silicone utensils this year. They are heat resistant up to 800ºF, perfect to cook and bake with. As you can see, you can get them personalized too!
4. Pizza Please
As I've mentioned in
previous posts, making pizza at home is fun, easy and pretty darn delicious. How about a
pizza stone
pizza peel
and all the
starting ingredients for a great gift set? You'll reap the benefits.
5. For the knitters in your life...

...bamboo double pointed needles

organic sock yarn
and a
pattern. Trust me, knitters and crafters never feel like they have enough supplies! The queen of all gifts is the
circular knitting needle set
, but if they're just starting out the bamboo set is great.
I hope these suggestions help! Have a great time shopping and we'll see if I can't give you a few more tips soon...